Thursday, May 12, 2005

Corporate Responsibility

I see many flyers, brochures and emails regarding Corporate Responsibility, it sounds like a fascinating subject. What I am wondering is why is there nothing on Government Responsibility. How do the feds know what the American public expects of the government? Is there a standard. If not then why not? Did you know that the US federal government is the largest employer in the nation? If you break it down by agency the Dept. Of Defense is the largest of them all. Even when you exclude all the other agencies in the federal government the Dept. Of Defense is the largest single employer in the country. Yet all the focus is on Corporations. I think that the PR field is missing the boat when they neglect to acknowledge government PR people. It is a tough job, so many rules and regulations to restrict what can and can't be done. Yet many government PR people run effective programs with little money and even less support. Corporate and agency PR professionals could learn much from the government PR professional. The Army has already recognized that they can learn much from Corporate PR. They acknowledged it by developing training with industry program. This program offers an opportunity to the upper managers in Public Affairs an opportunity to spend 6 months working in either an agency or corporate environment. I have yet to see a corporation knocking down the doors of an army organization to provide a "new" perspective on PR for their folks. You know the old saying, ...Walk a mile in my moccasins...

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