Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The yummy days of summer

I have had a great summer, done a lot and been many places. Too bad it is so short. It has been hotter than hades this summer, still no end in site. I have finished a few projects, a quilt top for my 90 year old aunt, some multimedia fabric art pieces, and I have canned about 25 quarts of peaches - my favorite fruit, right next to raspberries, which I picked for the last month. I have the allergic reaction to prove it. The abundance of summer is wonderful, it is great to be alive. Except for the election hype on TV. Oh man, it is so sad, so many people trying to convince you that they know best how to run the country. Cannot wait until November 6th gets here, not just because it is my birthday, but because the election will be overwith, as long as there are no hanging chads, or something else. I hope you have had a great summer too.